Students have set up an activities committee, with the intention bring students into contact with each other by entertaining and/or inspirational events. This contributes to closer solidarity and a better atmosphere at Driestar University.
Examples of activities
The student activities committee organises events, such as:
Each of the events is organised by two to four student, and in the singing events additional volunteers play musical instruments or lead the singing. Each term we try to organise two singing events and one inspirational meeting. We also aim to organise an evening with a political theme, a sporting event and a meal together at least twice a year.
How did it start?
Student’s union Mozaïek had its heyday, but sadly it experienced a sad decline and the student’s union also came to an abrupt end Shortly afterwards students started the activities committee, and now there is plenty to do at the university! The committee is formed of enthusiastic students organising different activities.
The library of Driestar Educatief contains a large collection of books, magazines, teaching kits, illustrative teaching materials, etc. The collection consists of more than 50,000 objects. The majority of it can be found in Gouda. The regional offices in Ridderkerk, Barneveld and Kapelle each have a smaller specialist library. All objects have a connection with education at the university or with the educational practice at primary, secondary or special needs schools.
A large part of the collection consists of teaching schemes and methodology, with the subsets Pedagogics and Religious Education featuring strongly. The libraries in the regional offices are primarily focused on pupil care and educational advice. The complete collection is listed in our catalogue.