Every person living in the Netherlands is obliged by law to have insurance for medical expenses. Which type of healthcare insurance you need depends on your personal situation.
You need to make sure that you are properly insured during your stay! Please do the check on the following website.
Students with EU/EEA or Swiss nationality
If you have a European Health Insurance Card, the insurance from your home country will cover your expenses in the Netherlands and you will be able to use your home insurance policy(only for study purposes).
Students with non-EU/EEA/Swiss nationality
You need to take out a new or special insurance policy for your stay in the Netherlands (only for study purposes).The following two companies offer special insurance for international students:
IPS Student Insurance
To apply for insurance on this website, you will need the following information:
- IPS Primary
- The institution of registration in the Netherlands is Driestar Educatief
- The address in the Netherlands will be: Burgemeester Jamessingel 2, 2803 PD Gouda.
You or your organization/foundation should pay for this insurance.
If you wish to arrange your own insurance in your home country you must make sure your country has a reciprocal agreement with the Netherlands regarding health insurance. Make sure you have a Health Card before you leave for the Netherlands which declares you are insured against medical costs in the Netherlands. Your health insurance must cover the Dutch tariffs, as medical costs are (very) high in the Netherlands.
More information?
For more details about insurance, please refer to the Study in Holland website of Nuffic. Or download the factsheet healthcare insurance for international students in the Netherlands.