Curriculum vitae Piet Murre P.M. (Piet) Murre is lector didactiek en schoolvakken bij Driestar educatief.
Piet Murre studeerde scheikundige technologie aan de Technische Universiteit Delft. Hij was een tiental jaren docent en teamleider in het reformatorisch voortgezet onderwijs. Van 2004-2017 was hij manager van de lerarenopleidingen voortgezet onderwijs van Driestar hogeschool. Hij promoveerde in oktober 2017 aan de University of Leeds op de waarden van leidinggeven (in een subset VO-scholen) in hun eigen perceptie en die van hun team. Hij was een aantal jaren visiting fellow bij de School of Education van de University of Leeds. Tevens was hij Research Associate aan het ICELDA instituut in Zuid-Afrika, waar hij zich bezig hield met taal en toetsing. Sinds september 2017 is hij lector didactiek en schoolvakken, met als spits het voortgezet onderwijs en de opleidingen daarvoor. Het (levensbeschouwelijk) perspectief en wat dat praktisch betekent hebben zijn interesse. Hij is betrokken bij bachelor- en masteropleidingen en begeleidt onderzoek. Hij is (co)auteur van diverse boeken, een reeks aan artikelen (zowel algemeen als meer academisch) en vele columns en blogs (zie
Artikelen en boeken
- Murre, P. (2023). Less is more. Slower is better. Small is beautiful. How? (Peer reviewed conference selections Belfast 2022) IATEFL.
- Murre, P.M. (2021). Didactiek. In: De Muynck, B., & Kunz, B. (red.). Gidsen. Boekencentrum. Pp. 200-235.
- Murre, P.M. (2021). De didactische diamant. DRS november, pp. 42-44.
Murre, P.M. (2020). Book review: Movements of Educational Reform. International Journal of Christianity & Education. 24(1), 118–119
- Van Dyk, T., Murre, P., Kotzé, H. (2020). Does one size fit all? Some considerations for test translation. In: Weideman, A., Read, J., Du Plessis, T. (eds.). Assessing academic literacy in a multilingual society: transition and transformation. Multilingual Matters: Bristol, UK.
- Murre, P. (2019). EMI and facilitating vocabulary growth of proficient L2 users. Peer reviewed conference selections of the 2018 conference of the International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language. Faversham (Kent): IATEFL.
Murre, P.M. (2019). Meer door minder. Gouda: Driestar educatief. (Less is more, inaugural address as professor of education). Te benaderen via of
- Murre, Piet (2018). Sociale media en leren. Calvijn Contact januari, 2. p.10, 11. Te benaderen via
- Murre, Piet (2018). School is oefenruimte van afhankelijkheid naar volwassenheid. Reformatorisch Dagblad, 9 maart 2018. Te benaderen via of via
- Murre, Piet (2018). An Intellectual History of School Leadership Practice and Research. International Journal of Christianity & Education. 22(1), pp. 81–82. Te benaderen via
- Murre, Piet (2018). Focus op opbrengsten of waarden. Personeelsblad Calvijn College april. p. 11. Te benaderen via
- Murre, Piet (2018). De aarde zit boordevol hemel. DRS oktober. pp. 28, 29. Te benaderen via
- Murre, P.M. (2018). Waarden: Over kloven, beelden, diepgang en satéprikkers. DRS november, pp. 42-45. Te benaderen via
- Murre, Piet (2017, 1 december). Breng vaklessen dicht bij kern christelijk onderwijs, Reformatorisch Dagblad, via
- Murre, P.M. (2017). Headteacher values in five Dutch Reformed secondary schools: Comparing perspectives of heads, staff and pupils. Proefschrift (PhD Thesis). Bereikbaar op
- Piet Murre. (2017). Invited article: Hoe waardenoriëntatie het leiderschap stuurt. [How one’s value orientation directs his leadership]. Handelingen, 1, 29-36.
- Dammers, Karen & Murre, Piet. (2016). De effecten van het accreditatieproces: wat vinden lerarenopleiders er zelf van? Thema, 5, 32-36.
- Murre, P.M. (2015). Teaching and learning. A work in progress. Gouda: Driestar Educatief
- Murre, Piet., De Muynck, Bram., Vermeulen, Henk (eds) (2014) Vitale idealen, voorbeeldige praktijken II, grote pedagogen over opvoeding en onderwijs Amsterdam: Buijten & Schipperheijn. A sequel to the first book with this title, including a final reflection in various letters between the editors.
- Murre, Piet. (2012) Het bereiden van brood. In: Murre, Piet., De Muynck, Bram., Vermeulen, Henk (eds) Vitale idealen, voorbeeldige praktijken, grote pedagogen over opvoeding en onderwijs Amsterdam: Buijten & Schipperheijn. ‘Preparing bread’, chapter on dr. Herman Bavinck (1854-1921) as an educational philosopher.
- De Muynck, Bram., Murre, Piet. (2012) Idealen en praktijken. In: Murre, Piet., De Muynck, Bram., Vermeulen, Henk (eds) Vitale idealen, voorbeeldige praktijken, grote pedagogen over opvoeding en onderwijs Amsterdam: Buijten & Schipperheijn. Final chapter recapitulating and combining findings as deemed relevant to current educational practice.
- Murre, Piet., De Muynck, Bram. (2012) ‘New science that men lear’. In: Murre, Piet., De Muynck, Bram., Vermeulen, Henk (eds) Vitale idealen, voorbeeldige praktijken, grote pedagogen over opvoeding en onderwijs Amsterdam: Buijten & Schipperheijn Introductory first chapter in a book about 6 eminent educational philosophers and practitioners throughout history (Plato, Augustin, Herbart, Newman, van Koetsveld, Bavinck), putting these into perspective.
- Murre, Piet. (2011) Waarnemen bij Bavinck: hetzelfde als bij Wagenschein? Artificium 10-1; 20-23 (Comparison of Bavinck and Wagenschein on observation and perception in education)
- Murre, Piet. (2011) Geen gesneden brood. Artificium 11-1; 20-23 (Outline and critical review of some of Bavinck thoughts on education)
- Murre, Piet. (2011) A Christian Curriculum in a Teacher Training College for Secondary Education in the Netherlands. In: De Muynck, Bram., Hegeman, Johan., Vos, Pieter. Bridging the Gap. Sioux Center, IA: Dordt College Press Proceedings of the IAPCHE 2009 Europe conference.
- Both, D.D., Heldoorn G.J., Murre, P.M., Verrips, P.G.W.C.H. (2007) (Eds) De zoektocht naar goed onderwijs, over het oude en nieuwe leren. Veenendaal: RMU. The quest for good education, on old and new learning.
Lectures and presentations
- 2020, April. Promoting wholeness and commitment: Seven pedagogic design principles. INCHE Europe 2020 conference, Budapest. Cancelled because of Corona
- 2020, March. Invited lecture on teaching science. Kiev, Ukraine. Cancelled because of Corona
- 2019, October 3-5. Less is more, more by less. Seven design principles. Kuyers conference, Grand Rapids, Michigan
- 2019, April 11th. Meer door minder. Lectorale rede. (Less is more, inaugural address as professor of education)
- 2018, November 2nd. Een leraar kan niet vormen. Studiedag Velon Gouda. [Literally: A teacher cannot form pupils. An invited keynote lecture on the tension between wanting to educate pupils and some (im)possibilities with regard to Bildung, some 140 participants]
- 2018, September 25th. Stapstenen en stroomversnellingen. I&K tweedaagse Dordrecht. [Stepping stones and rapids. Invited lecture on a Christian perspective on subject matter and pedagogy in secondary education, approximately 25 participants].
- 2018, March 8th. Zo de wind waait. Coreferaat tweedaagse directeuren basisscholen Soesterberg. [Go with the flow? Invited lecture for principals of primary schools on a twoday conference, providing input for a strategic policy plan for 2019-2022, approximately 50 participants]
- 2017, November 23rd. Dutch Reformed secondary headteachers: Perspectives on their values. Presentation at the NWU-DCU colloquium, Gouda.
- 2017, July 8th ‘Dutch Reformed secondary heads’ values: A conceptual framework, and the role of culture’. Paper presentation of a study which was conducted in seven Dutch Reformed Secondary Schools of heads’ and teachers’ perceptions of the values heads have, their actions, and the relation with their Christian faith. BELMAS conference, UK.
- 2017, ‘Kunnen gammele poten een stevige stoel opleveren? Over studiekeuzeadviezen voor de poort.’ [can shaky legs produce a stable stool? On study advice before enrolment]. VELON conference March 2017.
- 2016, August 24th. Can shaky leg produce a stable stool? Workshop annex paper presentation on the predictive validity of a newly-developed selection procedure for prospective students. Annual conference of the Association of Teacher Educators in Europe, Eindhoven.
- 2016, June 25th. Perceptions of leadership values of Dutch Reformed secondary heads: an empirical study. Paper presentation, ‘Faith, formation and education conference’, Liverpool Hope University, UK
- 2016, May 26th. Perceptions of leadership values of secondary heads: Designing for substantial variation. Paper presentation, Kaleidoscope conference University of Cambridge, UK
- 2016, March 29th. Samenwerkende leraren (cooperating teachers). Invited key note, 40 attendants, Gouda.
- 2016, February 5th. Langetermijneffecten van het accreditatieproces op de kwaliteit van de opleiding zoals ervaren door lerarenopleiders. [long-term effects of the accreditation process on the quality of course as experiences by teacher educators]. With K. Dammers. Poster presentation VELOV conference Brussels.
- 2015, October 15th. On learning teachers. Invited speech, 70 attendants, Amersfoort.
- 2015, February 2nd. Learning matter(s): on passion for teaching. Workshop for staff and student, University of Leeds, (with another visiting fellow)
- 2014, April 4th. English outreach: Use your influence to impact your wider community. Presentation IATEFL Harrogate
- 2013 October 1st. Palmer en het Driestar College (An interactive afternoon session, highlighting and discussing some thoughts of Parker Palmer “The courage to teach”) Dutch secondary teachers and management, 60 attendants.
- 2013 July 4th. Lecture: Bavinck voor Hoornbeeckers (A lecture and interactive afternoon session on the pedagogical insights of Dr. H. Bavinck, 1854-1921) Dutch teachers and management secondary vocational education, 50+ attendants.
- 2013 Apr 4th. Lecture: ‘Pubers, kleurrijk en uniek’ (A critical review on what is said in current literature about teenagers.) Dutch teachers, teacher educators, psychologists and management, 90 attendants.
- 2013 Apr 3rd Presentation ‘Crossroads to creativity, keeping up the good work’ (on impediments on the road to implementing English in primary education, change management), 20 attendants.
- 2013 March 11th ‘Organisch en duurzaam professionaliseren:
- symbiose tussen opleiders en management’ (on a 6-year development trajectory in which teacher educators and management symbiotically cooperated). Presentation at the annual conference of Dutch and Flemish teacher educators,. 25 attendants.
- 2012 Nov 26th. (with others) Day session on leadership in a teacher training college, Attendants from Rumania, Burkina Faso, China, India.
- 2012 Nov 21st. (with others) Day session on developing a curriculum for a teacher training college, Attendants from Rumania, Burkina Faso, China, India.
- 2012 Feb 6th presentation ‘Meesterlijke momenten met pedagogen’ (on masterclasses about pedagogues with student teachers) Presentation at the annual conference of Dutch and Flemish teacher educators, Antwerp. 15 attendants. In cooperation with 2 colleagues
- 2012 Feb 6th Presentation ‘CLIL in teacher education for secondary schools’ Workshop at the annual conference of Dutch and Flemish teacher educators, Antwerp. 20 attendants. (In cooperation with Mrs. Van der Wind - Ferreira)
- 2011 Dec 7th Lecture: ‘Kwaliteit en identiteit in onderwijs’ (on the relation between quality and religious identity of schools), Islamist primary schools Amsterdam, 125 attendants.